Always On
Always On is not a real-time calculation. While the calculation is a bit more complicated (learn more here), you can think of it as a rolling average of your baseline wattage over 48 hours. If you turn a major Always On energy hog off (or on), it can take some time for the Always On bubble to catch up, resulting in your bubbles not adding up to your total real-time wattage.
Standby Threshold
Smart plug and dedicated circuit devices have a setting for 'Standby' threshold that gives you fine-grain control over when those devices show on the Now screen. Below a device’s set 'Standby' threshold, it will not show on the Now screen but will still count towards your total wattage. You can still see the real-time consumption of devices in their Standby state on the Devices screen. You can edit the 'Standby' threshold of any smart plug or dedicated circuit device by navigating to Device Details for that device and tapping into Settings > Manage.
Standby Threshold + Always On
While Standby and Always On may sound similar, they’re a bit different: Always On represents the constant vampire load of a device, while Standby is a value that you can configure to represent when it’s not quite totally idle but not quite 'On' either. Learn more about how they differ here.
For smart plug and dedicated circuit devices, Sense will attempt to calculate their Always On wattage and present this in their activation bubble. If the standby threshold for any of these devices is set below its calculated Always On wattage, it's possible that your bubbles will not add up correctly to your total real-time wattage. We suggest setting Standby higher than a device’s calculated Always On wattage.
You can find the Always On wattage of a smart plug or dedicated circuit device, if Always On has been found for it, conveniently located on the Standby Threshold screen for that device. You can also find it listed in the Always On Devices card on the Always On Device Details screen.
It’s possible there may be other reasons that your bubbles are not adding up to your total wattage. Please contact Support if the above explanations do not solve your problem.
Important Note: Sense has only been tested with certain smart plugs in the US & Canada, it may not connect with smart plugs available in other regions.